
Adhesion and Reconstruction of Graphene/Hexagonal Boron Nitride Heterostructures: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study
M. Szyniszewski, E. Mostaani, A. Knothe, V. Enaldiev, A. C. Ferrari, V. I. Fal'ko, N. D. Drummond
arXiv:2501.16567 (accepted in ACS Nano)
Symmetric tensor scars with tunable entanglement from volume to area law
B. Mukherjee, C. J. Turner, M. Szyniszewski, A. Pal
Exact generalized Bethe eigenstates of the non-integrable alternating Heisenberg chain
R. Melendrez, B. Mukherjee, M. Szyniszewski, C. J. Turner, A. Pal, H. J. Changlani
Measurement-induced Lévy flights of quantum information
I. Poboiko, M. Szyniszewski, C. J. Turner, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin, A. Pal
Stable infinite-temperature eigenstates in SU(2)-symmetric nonintegrable models
C. J. Turner, M. Szyniszewski, B. Mukherjee, R. Melendrez, H. J. Changlani, A. Pal
Unscrambling of single-particle wave functions in systems localized through disorder and monitoring
M. Szyniszewski
Phys. Rev. B 110(2), 024303 (2024)
Stabilization of symmetry-protected long-range entanglement in stochastic quantum circuits
I. Angelidi, M. Szyniszewski, A. Pal
Quantum 8, 1430 (2024)
Emergent strong zero mode through local Floquet engineering
B. Mukherjee, R. Melendrez, M. Szyniszewski, H. J. Changlani, A. Pal
Phys. Rev. B 109, 064303 (2024)
Disordered monitored free fermions
M. Szyniszewski, O. Lunt, A. Pal
Phys. Rev. B 108, 165126 (2023) (Editors' Suggestion)
Charge-carrier complexes in monolayer semiconductors
E. Mostaani, R. J. Hunt, D. M. Thomas, M. Szyniszewski, A. R. P. Montblanch, M. Barbone, M. Atature, N. D. Drummond, A. C. Ferrari
Phys. Rev. B 108, 035420 (2023)
Diagnostics of entanglement dynamics in noisy and disordered spin chains via the measurement-induced steady-state entanglement transition
T. Boorman, M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus, A. Romito
Phys. Rev. B 105(14), 144202 (2022)
Measurement-induced criticality and entanglement clusters: a study of 1D and 2D Clifford circuits
O. Lunt, M. Szyniszewski, A. Pal
Phys. Rev. B 104(15), 155111 (2021) (Editors' Suggestion)
Universality of entanglement transitions from stroboscopic to continuous measurements
M. Szyniszewski, A. Romito, H. Schomerus
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125(21), 210602 (2020)
Random-matrix perspective on many-body entanglement with a finite localization length
M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus
Phys. Rev. Research 2(3), 032010(R) (2020)
Many-body localization of zero modes
C. P. Chen, M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus
Phys. Rev. Research 2(2), 023118 (2020)
Entanglement transition from variable-strength weak measurements
M. Szyniszewski, A. Romito, H. Schomerus
Phys. Rev. B 100(6), 064204 (2019)
Tuning of impurity-bound interlayer complexes in a van der Waals heterobilayer
F. Vialla, M. Danovich, D. A. Ruiz-Tijerina, M. Massicotte, P. Schmidt, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, R. J. Hunt, M. Szyniszewski, N. D. Drummond, T. G. Pedersen, V. I. Fal'ko and F. H. L. Koppens
2D Materials 6(3), 035032 (2019)
Fermionic phases and their transitions induced by competing finite-range interactions
M. Szyniszewski, H. Schomerus
Phys. Rev. B 98(7), 075139 (2018)
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of energy gaps from first principles
R. J. Hunt, M. Szyniszewski, G. I. Prayogo, R. Maezono, N. D. Drummond
Phys. Rev. B 98(7), 075122 (2018)
Localized interlayer complexes in heterobilayer transition metal dichalcogenides
M. Danovich, D.A. Ruiz-Tijerina, R.J. Hunt, M. Szyniszewski, N.D. Drummond, V.I. Fal'ko
Phys. Rev. B 97(19), 195452 (2018) Editor's Suggestion
Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of excitonic complexes in two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides
E. Mostaani, M. Szyniszewski, C. H. Price, R. Maezono, M. Danovich, R. J. Hunt, N. D. Drummond, V. I. Fal'ko
Phys. Rev. B 96(7), 075431 (2017)
Binding energies of trions and biexcitons in two-dimensional semiconductors from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations
M. Szyniszewski, E. Mostaani, N. D. Drummond, V. I. Fal'ko
Phys. Rev. B 95, 081301(R) (2017)
Lattice Hamiltonian approach to the Schwinger model: further results from the strong coupling expansion
M. Szyniszewski, K. Cichy, A. Kujawa-Cichy
PoS (Lattice 2014) 314 (2015)
The generalized t-V model in one dimension
M. Szyniszewski, E. Burovski
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 592 (SCES2014), 012057 (2015)
In situ Single Walled Carbon Nanotube growth using a Q500 TGA
C. Oakland, A. Rooney, M. Szyniszewski, A. F. Verre, S. Worrall
TA Instruments Applications Library TA372 (2014)
Lattice Hamiltonian approach to the massless Schwinger model: precise extraction of the mass gap
K. Cichy, A. Kujawa-Cichy, M. Szyniszewski
Comp. Phys. Comm. 184(7), 1666-1672 (2013)
Thermodynamics of localized magnetic moments in a Dirac conductor
V. Cheianov, M. Szyniszewski, E. Burovski, Yu. Sherkunov, V. Fal'ko
Phys. Rev. B 86(5), 054424 (2012)


Low-dimensional quantum systems
PhD Thesis, Lancaster 2016
Numerical investigations of the Schwinger model and selected quantum spin models
Master’s Thesis, Poznań 2012
Simulating graphene impurities using the worm algorithm
MPhys Project, Lancaster 2011